Order The Score That Matters NOW. CLICK HERE. In The Score That Matters, Ryan Hawk and Brook Cupps show that the internal score is what matters most—it reveals whether we are living in alignment with our purpose and values. Offering both descriptive and prescriptive advice and anecdotes, The Score That Matters will help you unlock true fulfillment and happiness by discovering your purpose, identifying your values, creating critical behaviors, and living them faithfully every day in all aspects of your life.

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The Learning Leader Show

  • “The big question about how people behave is whether they’ve got an Inner Scorecard or an Outer Scorecard. It helps if you can be satisfied with an Inner Scorecard.” – Warren Buffet – The inner scorecard is about eliminating comparison with others and living in alignment with what’s most important to you. Your values and the behaviors to match those values.
    • The inner scorecard eliminates the comparison of things.
  • How to build trust? Laugh together, cry together, suffer together (do hard things).
  • Resume virtues versus Eulogy virtues. We’ll get caught up in living for our resume (promotions, money, objects) if we’re not intentional. We think it’s better to live for your eulogy virtues (the impact you had on people, fulfilling your purpose, living in alignment with your true values)
  • Why a strong purpose beats a good plan: we explain how a strong purpose erases obstacles, is never about you, and is highlighted by considering death.
  • Why being the greatest is a mirage: While greatness is a process that is attainable for all, we share why becoming the greatest is a destination that no one can reach.
  • How to navigate the tricky art of building trust: Throughout 25 years of teaching and coaching Brook has refined the trust-building process to 3 simple actions every leader can use.
  • How to fight the poison of comparison: Our focus on a consistent process over the societal pursuit of results seems contradictory to excellence but just may lay the foundation for its attainment.
  • Why self-awareness is not a solo flight: The feedback we seek from special people in our life, our foxhole, reminds us that we are tougher together.
  • Why team captains are overrated: Brook connects how the shared ownership of a team is best when all members assume the responsibility of upholding the standards.
  • How plain and simple can bore you right to excellence: We like to complicate success, but we point back to a consistent return to the fundamentals.
  • Brook originally learned about creating and living his core values from Coach Dick Bennett’s “Pillars of Success.”
  • Brook’s values are: Tough, Passionate, Unified, and Thankful.
  • My values are: Thoughtful, Thankful, Curious, and Consistent.
  • Foxhole friends are disagreeable givers. They are kind enough to give you honest feedback. And you do the same for them.
  • Thankful Thursdays
    • Send a text message, email, or handwritten note to three people you’re thankful for every Thursday.
  • Push the pace… Full-court pressing and always running a fast break on offense is living up to Brook’s value of speaking and acting with urgency (unified).
    • How Brook coaches his team to play: “Our anchor defensively is no comfort, no vision. We want you to never be comfortable. And we want the same thing offensively. We say simple and together, but we think of pressing you offensively too. We don’t want you to be comfortable. We want you to be on your heels.”
  • Apply to be part of my Leadership Circle

Time Stamps

02:19 – How Society Defines Success

06:22 – What Scoreboard Do You Live By?

14:31 – Life Before An Inner Scoreboard

17:37 – Finding Your Core Values

22:47 – Thankful Thursday

25:48 – What Feedback Should You Listen To?

30:05 – How to Build a Culture of Trust

38:17 – Should You Name Team Captains?

47:05 – Moments of Greatness

55:02 – It’s Time To Release This Book!

More Learning:

Episode 078: Kat Cole – From Hooters Waitress To President of Cinnabon

Episode 216: Jim Collins — How To Go From Good To Great

Episode #300: AJ & Keith Hawk – How To Instill Work Ethic & Curiosity In Your Children

Episode #303General Stanley McChrystal – The New Definition Of Leadership