Ramit Sethi is the New York Times best-selling author of I Will Teach You To Be Rich. Millions of people read his work every month which focuses on personal finances, money in relationships, and he shares how you can define your rich life. His team has created online programs on making more money, finding your Dream Job, starting an online business, and mastering your inner psychology.

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FORBES recently called WELCOME TO MANAGEMENT, “the best leadership book of 2020.”

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The Learning Leader Show

  • If you have a partner, “create your journey together.” Money is not something to be delegated to one or the other. Both should be involved.
  • Ramit’s book-buying rule:  If you’ve even considered buying a book for one second, then BUY THE BOOK. If you learn just one new thing, it is worth it. The return on your investment is through the roof. When in doubt, buy the book. And Read the book.
  • Ramit describes every detail of the conversation he had with his wife about signing a pre-nuptial agreement before they got married.
  • “You should focus on $30,000 questions, not $3 questions.”
  • Top 5 Lessons from one year of interviewing couples about money
    • #5 Stop saying you’re bad at money
    • #4 Spend more guilt-free.
      • And they agonize over $3 questions instead of seeing the big picture.
    • #3 Beware of money propaganda
    • #2 is for everyone who has a partner that just does not want to talk about money.
      • You both need to talk about money. It cuts across everything
    • #1 A lack of a shared rich life vision.
  • Ramit shares how to get started with your money: automation, investing, and the other Big Wins of money.
  • How to manage your money:
    • Fixed costs: 50%-60%
    • Savings: 5%-10%
    • Investments: 5%-10%
    • Guilt-free spending: 20%-30%
  • How to invest your money:
    • Target date fund – Vanguard
    • Index funds
  • Ramit advises that you do not pay a financial advisor based on AUM (Assets Under Management). Pay an hourly rate or a fixed cost. This will save you hundreds of thousands (or millions) of dollars over the course of 30-50 years.
  • Decide what you want to spend your money on… What is your rich life?
  • Create your money rules…
    • For example, Ramit has unlimited spending on his health. And he has money set aside for philanthropic endeavors
  • Life/Career Advice:
    • Move to a big city
    • Automate your money
    • Have more fun
  • Apply to be part of my Leadership Circle

More Learning:

Episode 078: Kat Cole – From Hooters Waitress To President of Cinnabon

Episode 216: Jim Collins — How To Go From Good To Great

Episode #300: AJ & Keith Hawk – How To Instill Work Ethic & Curiosity In Your Children

Episode #303General Stanley McChrystal – The New Definition Of Leadership