The Learning Leader Show With Ryan Hawk

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Full show notes can be found at

Episode #352: Patrick Lencioni – The Five Key Actions Of Excellent Leaders


  • Leaders who sustain excellence =
    • Humility – They don’t feel they are more important than others, but they realize that their words and actions carry more weight.
  • “Leadership is a privilege… It’s about serving others. A lot of leaders lead because they think it looks cool.”
  • “Leadership has to be about what you can give, not what you can get.”
  • Exploring the two leadership motives:
    • Reward-centered leadership: the belief that being a leader is the reward for hard work, and therefore, that the experience of being a leader should be pleasant and enjoyable, avoiding anything mundane, unpleasant or uncomfortable.
    • Responsibility-centered leadership: the belief that being a leader is a responsibility, and therefore that the experience of leading should be difficult and challenging (though certainly not without elements of personal gratification).
  • One of the questions to ask yourself:
    • “How do you see your job in terms of verbs?” — what do you do to really help the business?
  • The leader must be a constant, incessant reminder of the company’s purpose, strategy, values, & priorities.  You’re not only the CEO, you’re the CRO.” Chief Reminding Officer
  • The actions of great leaders:
    • Running great meetings
    • Managing the executive team
    • Managing the executives as individuals
    • Having difficult conversations with people
    • Constantly communicating and repeating key messages to employees
  • “The CEO should have the most painful job in the company.”
  • For the mid-level manager — “Am I waking up with the right rationale to do this job?”
  • Love is a verb:
    • Time
    • Affection
    • Discipline
  • “Leadership is not a noun, it’s a verb.”
  • Running great meetings:
    • “Meetings are the central activity of leadership.  Bad leaders have other people run their meetings.”
      • Good meetings have debate and conflict.  People are able to be passionate without consequence.  The leader prioritizes what will be talked about.
  • CEO’s are responsible to build teams.  Your job is to build teams based on trust
  • When receiving a message from a cynical leader who says “You don’t understand.”  Our response? “No, we’re not going to be that way.  The ones who do the hard work change the world.”
  • Micro-managing vs. Accountability:
    • “There is an abdication of management.  You should know what your team is doing.”
  • Parenting: “The great news about being a parent is it’s humbling.”
  • The leader must be the chief reminding officer:
    • “Constant, incessant, reminder of the company’s purpose, strategy, values, and priorities. You must over-communicate.”
  • Marriage advice:
    • “Be completely humble, vulnerable, especially in front of the kids.  Engage in healthy conflict.  When people can’t argue, that’s a problem.”

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