The Learning Leader Show With Ryan Hawk

Episode #282: Seth Godin – You Can’t Be Seen Until You Learn To See

“In a crowded marketplace, fitting in is a failure. In a busy marketplace, not standing out is the same as being invisible.” 

Show Notes:

  • Commonalities of sustaining excellence:
    • It changes over time
    • Must be willing to fail – “Okay… Will I do things that might not work?”
  • Some of Seth’s failures: many teaching mistakes, tried to build philanthropy platform that failed, blog has failed at times
  • How to handle a slump? – “There’s no such thing as a long slump.”
    • Stephen J. Gould – “The real problem is how you respond to the failure. You can’t tell yourself a story that’s not true.”
    • Have honest self talk — “This isn’t a slump.”
  • Stanford MBA – Friends with Chip Conley.  “Everyone there feels like a fraud or an arrogant jerk. I felt like I was drowning. The sessions with Chip changed my life.”  Chips “Random Acts of Initiative” were life changing.  Chip taking initiative and not fearing rejection. Remarkable.
  • Empathy – A mentor wants to see you do things that are bold, leap forward because of them.
  • Be a mentor – “Make the world shinier. Bring life to more causes.”
  • Economy of words – “I made the decision to write like I talk.”
    • “Talking isn’t better because you’re afraid.”
  • The book publishing world and why Seth chose to traditionally publish This Is Marketing
  • What percentage of Seth’s success is luck? “98.2%”  The final 1.8% is “relentless persistence.”  “The 98.2% is the parent lottery.”
  • How to deal with rejection after rejection…
  • “Culture IS strategy. How we treat people. It’s hard to do the things we’re proud of.”
    • “Great ones have better clients.”
  • Side hustle advice — Start it on the side so that you don’t have to make money at it right away. You can choose your clients and never just “do it for the money.”
    • “Exactly. Great advice.”
  • Keys to storytelling – “We have too much stuff.”
    • Better understand the story you’re telling yourself.
  • Why joining The Learning Leader Circle is a good idea
  • Use the “Get To Know You Document

“Luck for me is 98.2% of it. The other 1.8% is relentless persistence.”

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