• Go To www.LearningLeader.com For more information on DHH and this episode
  • Common themes of leaders who sustain excellence:
    • “For me it’s falling in love with the work itself…”
    • Being excited to do the actual work everyday… The actual day to day work
  • “I don’t have a need to think “What’s Next?” — “I’m thrilled to do the thing I’ve fallen in love with.”
  • How did he become DHH?
  • What percentage of your job do you love and what percent do you dislike?
    • DHH works to minimize the parts he doesn’t like
    • Managing others is low on his list of what he loves.
  • “The thought that you can’t be innovative if you aren’t in the same room is bullshit.” — You can do that remotely, in fact better in most cases.
  • DHH shares why the open office concept is horrible for creative people who like to “get shit done.”
  • Remote work gives peace, tranquility, quality
  • Commuting to work can be a wasteful, drain on your life
  • The future of work — More remote work, more contractors, less full time employees
  • “The office is something you choose to have, you don’t need to have it.”
  • “The Day I Became A Millionaire”
    • What DHH learned that day… What changed? What didn’t
    • “The things that brought happiness were the things I was already doing. I love writing, programming, reading.”
    • Will a certain amount of money ever be enough? Ray Kroc said “No.”
  • “The human condition does not end because you get rich.”  You’ll still have problems.
  • Best advice to give to people early in their careers?
    • “Be careful what you wish for.  Managing other people is not in my top 5 things I like to do.”
    • “Prove you can execute.  That’s the way to get to the executive level. Just simply make shit happen, you get shit done.”
    • You have to weigh shipping vs quality
    • Take measured risks, and don’t be afraid to make mistakes


 David “DHH” Heinemeier Hansson is the creator of Ruby on Rails, founder & CTO at Basecamp(formerly 37signals), best-selling author, Le Mans class-winning racing driver, public speaker, hobbyist photographer, and family man. He is the best selling author of ReWork and Remote: Office Note Required.  You can also read his wildly popular writings on Medium.com/@dhh

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