Episode 189: Jennifer Mueller – Why Leaders Should Embrace Creative Change
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The Learning Leader Show
“If you’re calculating risk, then it’s not creative.”
In This Episode, You Will Learn:
- Common themes of leaders who sustain excellence:
- Mindset to learn
- Curiosity is the most important
- Thinking like an inventor… Curious by asking “What does this mean?”
- Why is their pressure to perform immediately?
- It’s a followers mindset — Anchor to the competitors and play the rat race game
- This does not allow you to break away from the competition
- If you want to change the status quo, you cannot think this way
- There are no shortcuts…
- Why write the book?
- Studied how people generated ideas
- Was cynical at first, but what Jen learned is that leaders don’t know how to manage for innovation
- Why do ideas get rejected?
- “If you’re calculating risk, then it’s not creative.”
- How to give yourself a better shot for the idea to get traction?
- Give a feedback pitch and not a selling pitch… Ask for feedback and advice
- Her famous study — “The Bias Against Creativity”
- Overcoming the bias against creative leadership
- Backlash against the people who generate the idea — It’s not good
- Might be promoting people on out of date measures
- Mis-reading skill set
- “Creative Leaders have to ask questions and be curious”
- “Stop generating ideas, start making impact”
- Have a change circle… Talk about how you can push your idea through
“Creative leaders must ask questions… And be curious.”
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Episode edited by the great J Scott Donnell
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