Episode 249: Colin Nanka – Success Starts With A Choice: Salesforce.com Leader, Adventure Racer
Colin Nanka is the Senior Director, Enablement for North American Sales and Leadership Development at the world’s leading Customer Relationship Management Company, Salesforce.com. He is a proven sales leader with over 20 years of sales experience including time at Salesforce and Xerox Corporation. In his spare time, he competes in multi-day, self sustained, adventure races in the world’s most treacherous terrains, including the Sahara Desert, Gobi Desert, Iceland, Grand Canyon, Atacama Desert and, most recently, in Antarctica.
He has a passion for writing, collaborating, learning and empowering his community to go further.
Episode 249: Colin Nanka – Success Starts With A Choice: Salesforce.com Leader, Adventure Racer
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The Learning Leader Show
“Success starts with a choice. Find someone above you, below you, and at your level. That’s mentorship.”
Show Notes:
- Commonalities of leaders who sustain excellence?
- Understanding of their strengths – self awareness
- “Do what you say you will do” “DWYSYWDO” – integrity
- The combination of vision –> execution
- How have you sustained excellence?
- Know how to prioritize
- Tiered accounts
- Invested 4-6 hours on Saturday and Sunday while others were not working
- “Going in on the weekend” – The sheer amount of hard work AND extra work differentiated from the rest
- Going door to door in Canada – “It takes 20 knocks to get 1 opportunity”
- “Good pipeline solves all ills”
- “Flood the market with good will”
- Going door to door in Canada – “It takes 20 knocks to get 1 opportunity”
- Marc Benioff’s management process, V2MOM, an acronym that stands for vision, values, methods, obstacles, and measures
- Why do crazy races all over the world?
- “I hit a crisis. I was very successful and then had a couple bad years. It hurt my confidence.”
- “I realize there is more to life than just working. The elements of nature… A give back — be of service to others.”
- The 2011 Sahara Desert race – Trained for a full year. 6 days a week, 160 miles/week.
- “Success starts with a choice. Find who’s the best, learn from them.”
- Mentor-ship = “Above you, below you, and at your level.” Have all three.
- The practice of “playing up.” Play against someone who is better than you in order to stretch and grow.
- Constantly put yourself in positions to be stretched
- Using Gallup to find your strengths — “A very wise investment”
- Colin’s #1 strength – Learning. Curiosity
- The compound effect of learning, growing, approaching each conversation with a curious mind
- What have you learned from the adventure races?
- Dealing with failure. How to learn from others. “We all get better from sharing ideas.”
- Biggest mistake new managers make?
- “They are constantly surprised about the “people” side”
- How to have tough conversations
- They try to do it all — You need to be a multiplier — Trust, Coach, Empower
- “If you don’t lengthen the leash, you aren’t allowing them to grow”
- First 30 days – “Focus on winning hearts and minds”
- Do a full day off site meeting with no focus on the business. Get to know them.
- Utilize my “Get To Know You” document
- “They are constantly surprised about the “people” side”
- Understand your team value system:
- Vision
- Values
- Methods – Critical success factors
- Obstacles
- Measure — The Marc Benioff model
- The #1 value is TRUST — Ensure this is established early on. Empower the team to make decisions. As the leader, be a facilitator
- Roger Federer — Finding joy in what you do. Loving the practice, the process.
- Do things daily that bring you joy in life
- “Before I do anything for the company, I do something for myself. To bring me joy.”
- Hiring a coach? Why?
- Colin has had a coach for 10 years
- “Just put 1 foot in front of the other” — 19 hour race in Iceland
- Be: 1) Strong 2) Relaxed 3) Grateful (“It’s hard to be angry when you’re grateful”)
“Learn the rules like a pro, so that you can break them like an artist.” – Pablo Picasso
Social Media:
- Follow Colin on Twitter: @ColinNanka1
- Read: Colin’s story
- Connect with me on LinkedIn
- Join our Facebook Group: The Learning Leader Community
- To Follow Me on Twitter: @RyanHawk12
More Learning:
Episode 078: Kat Cole – From Hooters Waitress To President of Cinnabon
Episode 216: Jim Collins — How To Go From Good To Great
Episode 179: How To Sustain Excellence – The Best Answers From 178 Questions
Episode 107: Simon Sinek – Leadership: It Starts With Why
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