Episode 028: Jeff Goins – The Art of Work… Be A Little Bit Uncomfortable Everyday

Jeff Goins’ latest book, “The Art of Work” is a powerful piece of literature that combines inspiring stories and how they can apply to all of our daily lives.  His book has morphed into a full blown movement.

Originally from Chicago, Jeff moved to Nashville after graduating from college and spending a year traveling with a band.

In college, he studied Spanish and Religion and spent part of his Junior year in Spain, which unlocked a passion for travel, writing, and making a difference in the world. After a year of letter-writing and long-distance phone calls, he moved to Tennessee to “see about a girl.” In 2008, he married her.

Now, he lives with his wife Ashley, their son Aiden, and their dog Lyric just outside of Nashville. He’s the former Communications Director for Adventures in Missions, a nonprofit organization, and spends his time writing books and trying to take over the Internet.

He’s written and guest-blogged for over 100 magazines, publications, and blogs. He’s also a speaker, online writing teacher, and consultant.

He’s written four books including The Art of Work (March 2015), teach a popular online course called Tribe Writers, and makes the world’s best guacamole.

Episode 028: Jeff Goins – The Art of Work… Be A Little Bit Uncomfortable Everyday

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The Learning Leader Show

“Ideas are cheap. Actions are costly.”

Some Questions I Ask:

  • What is one characteristic all successful people share?
  • Why couldn’t you call yourself a writer?
  • Why did your book publishers want you to open with a different story?
  • When was a specific moment that you knew you had created something special?
  • What is the primary advice you give to people?
  • What does the term learning leader mean to you?
  • Which individual leader has had the most influence on you?

In This Episode, You Will Learn:

  • How a lot of successful people have many fears
  • The power of storytelling and the impact it has on people
  • The principles in finding your vocation/legacy
  • What it was like saying “Babe, you don’t have to go back to work”
  • Why we need to all be a little bit uncomfortable everyday
  • The elements that define a quality life

 “Show me your friends, and I’ll show you your future.” – John Wooden

Continue Learning

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This was a jam packed episode full of great content.  Ben Greenfield is leader who is constantly learning in order to help us all live a better life. Who do you know that needs to hear this?  Send them to The Learning Leader Show!

Episode edited by the great J Scott Donnell


Bio From GoinsWriter.com

Hi. I’m Jeff, the author of four books including The Art of Work, which you can get right now.

A little about me: I believe we all have a story to tell, but sometimes the best stories don’t get the attention they deserve. I’ve been writing for most of my life, but only recently stepped into my true calling as a writer. I started this blog in 2010 with some burning questions:

How do writers make a living?

What does it really take to get published?

How do you pursue a passion without burning yourself out?

What I found in this search was a community of like-minded individuals sharing many of the same struggles. Here is where we wage war on the blank page, where we band together to find purpose in our art and lives, where we discover our true voices. If you have a passion for creativity and changing the world, this is for you. I usually publish new articles and podcasts two to three times per week and always seek to serve my readers.