Episode 018: Sam Silverstein – Why Successful People Love Accountability

This was an intense conversation with Sam Silverstein.  Sam is absolutely committed to instilling the desire for accountability within organizations.  Accountability is about keeping commitments to people, not things.  If you have any desire to learn more about accountability and how that’s a necessary component for all learning leaders, then you will love this episode.

Sam Silverstein, CSP is founder and CEO of Sam Silverstein, Inc., an accountability think tank dedicated to helping companies create an organizational culture that prioritizes and inspires accountability. He is an international business consultant, speaker and author. His manufacturing and distribution companies have sold over $100 million in products and services and he has successfully sold one of his businesses to a Fortune 500 company. Sam served as the President of the National Speakers Association (2008-2009) and is a Certified Speaking Professional. Sam’s work with companies has transformed organizational culture and created success in all areas.

Welcome to Episode 018: Sam Silverstein – Why Successful People Love Accountability

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The Learning Leader Show

“You are responsible to things… You’re accountable to people.” – Sam Silverstein

Some Questions I Ask:

  • How do you help people learn to enjoy accountability?
  • Why don’t most companies understand what they believe?
  • How do you help those people?
  • Do you have self-doubt?  How do you handle it?
  • What books have influenced you most?
  • How did you become one of the most read writers on LinkedIn

In This Episode, You Will Learn:

  • Sam’s 12 affirmations
  • Sam’s goals and his vision
  • Why Sam said, “Ryan, You’re throwing me on the couch!”
  • The enormous responsibility of a leader
  • 9 characteristics to being great
  • Why leaders are accountable to serve others

“Show me your friends and I’ll show you your future.” – John Wooden

Continue Learning

  • Get his new book: “Non Negotiable” Book
  • Go to his website: www.SamSilverstein.com
  • See why over 212,000 people follow Sam on Twitter: @SamSilverstein

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Did you enjoy the podcast?

I love discussing how we can all become better writers.  Sam is definitely a fantastic learning leader who is always striving to improve.  An incredibly successful leader who influences so many…  Who do you know that needs to hear this?  Send them to The Learning Leader Show!

Episode edited by the great J Scott Donnell

Bio From  SamSilverstein.com

Sam Silverstein, CSP is founder and CEO of Sam Silverstein, Inc., an accountability think tank dedicated to helping companies create an organizational culture that prioritizes and inspires accountability. He is an international business consultant, speaker and author. His manufacturing and distribution companies have sold over $100 million in products and services and he has successfully sold one of his businesses to a Fortune 500 company. Sam served as the President of the National Speakers Association (2008-2009) and is a Certified Speaking Professional. Sam’s work with companies has transformed organizational culture and created success in all areas.

Originally from Atlanta, he has a Business degree from the University of Georgia and an MBA from Washington University. He is married with four children and currently resides in St. Louis, MO.