Episode 015: Noah Fleming – How To Create Enduring Customer Loyalty

I love discussing how we can all better serve our customer base.  The best way to create and grow a thriving business is to create customer loyalty.  Noah Fleming is an expert at accomplishing this task.  He goes into detail on this topic in this episode.

That’s just one reason I had an awesome time interviewing today’s guest on The Learning Leader Show.

Noah is a marketing expert. As a thought leader in strategic marketing and customer loyalty, Noah helps clients dramatically and rapidly increase sales, multiply profits, and maximize customer value.

Welcome to Episode 015 with the Marketing Expert, Noah Fleming

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The Learning Leader Show

“Show me your friends and I’ll show you your future.” – John Wooden

Some Questions I Ask:

  • How do you create customer loyalty?
  • What made you pay so much money for a mentor?
  • How are you affiliated with Seth Godin?  He seems to like your book…
  • Do you think it’s better to go the traditional publishing route? Or how about all of the great self-publishing options out there?
  • What is your why?
  • What are your goals?

In This Episode, You Will Learn:

  • About Seth Godin telling him to “Ship It”
  • A giveaway for YOU, the listeners.  Listen to the end of the episode and Noah offers something for free to the first listeners who write to him
  • Specific Goal Setting Practices
  • The importance of loyalty
  • How anyone can do what Noah has done
  • How to become a better public speaker
  • Why it’s so important to invest in yourself

Continue Learning

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Did you enjoy the podcast?

I love discussing how we can build loyalty with our customers.  Noah has mastered this vital skill.  I loved this episode.  I’m proud to say that Noah has become a friend.  Who do you know that needs to hear this?  Send them to The Learning Leader Show!

Episode edited by the great J Scott Donnell


Noah is a marketing expert. As a thought leader in strategic marketing and customer loyalty, Noah helps clients dramatically and rapidly increase sales, multiply profits, and maximize customer value.

He is the trusted source for coaching and consulting to thousands of owners, executives, and individuals. Noah is the author of the Amazon #1 bestselling book in Sales, Marketing, and Customer Service – EVERGREEN: Cultivate The Enduring Customer Loyalty That Keeps Your Business Thriving.

He’s an expert blogger for Fast Company Magazine, and a regular contributor to The Globe and Mail’s Report on Business Section. Noah has been routinely quoted and mentioned in publications like Forbes, The New York Times, Reuters, and more.

Noah has taught master classes on retention for the popular website, Mixergy.com, a site dedicated to interviewing company founders and industry experts, such as Gary Vanyerchuk (author of “Crush It” & “The Thank You Economy”), Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales, and Groupon founder Andrew Mason, among hundreds of others.

Fleming has conducted webinars on retention for audiences of C-level executives for sites like Vindicia, an online payment company responsible for processing over $4 billion dollars annually in recurring payments. Fleming’s Vindicia webinar had the highest pre-registration the site had seen in years, and listeners proclaimed it was one of the best they had ever heard.

He’s delivered powerful ‘how-to’ workshops at the Subscription Site Insider Summit in New York City & most recently San Francisco where Subscription Site Insider Editor Minal Bopaih said, “he knows exactly what you should be measuring on your site,” and Nicole Rodriguez of MarketingProfs.com proclaimed, “I look forward to implementing the tactical advice he gave on improving our members’ experiences while boosting renewals.

More recently, Fleming delivered the closing keynote to over 400 information publishers at the Society of Information Publishers Association’s (SIPA) 36th Annual Conference in Washington, DC. SIPA’s President Robert Brady said, “At our 36th Annual Conference, we wanted to give our members an equal dose of immediately useful information and the confidence to put it to use. Noah Fleming’s closing keynote, which emphasized the critical importance of retention, gave us all a number of strategies that we could begin using right away. All of our members found the talk entertaining and useful. I recommend him highly.”

Fleming is also member of Alan Weiss’s Mentorship Program & Growth Cycle®, two highly respected and world-renowned programs dedicated to the refinement of advanced consulting skills, and one of only 36 people who are globally recognized & accredited by Dr. Weiss as a Master Mentor.