John and I met almost 10 years ago while I attended one of his negotiation training classes. Like most people, I struggle to sit in a room and listen to someone present for 2 days. In the case of John’s training, that was NOT the case. It still is the greatest training course I’ve ever attended. So much so that I have attended it 5 more times since then… This conversation took off from there and it was so much fun. John has become a friend of mine and I’m very fortunate to be able to speak with him on a regular basis about all parts of leadership and life.

“Negotiation is a strategic communication process to get a deal or to resolve a problem.”– John Lowry

Welcome to Episode 012 with the President of The Lowry Group Dr. John Lowry

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The Learning Leader Show

Some Questions I Ask:

  • Why do many people grasp the ideas you articulate intellectually and yet fail to implement them in a meaningful way?
  • How do you so effectively use story telling in your presentations?
  • How can we all become better story tellers?
  • Why do you think there is a negative connotation with someone who is a “shrewd” negotiator?
  • What negative self-talk have you had to overcome?
  • Do you operate out of a sense of obligation to anything or anyone?

“Leadership is about relationships.” – John Lowry

In This Episode, You Will Learn:

  • How to know when to compete or when to cooperate in a negotiation
  • The importance and the art of storytelling
  • The power of productive paranoia
  • How to deal with self-doubt
  • The people/things John feels obligated to
  • The 5 Approaches to Conflict
  • How people can implement what they’ve learned
  • The thought process we have surrounding dreaming big

Continue Learning

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Did you enjoy the podcast?

As I said before, John has become a good friend of mine and I’m incredibly lucky to be able to speak with him on a regular basis. He is an absolute professional and is a phenomenal presenter. Who do you know that needs to hear this? Send them to The Learning Leader Show!


John Lowry is a lawyer, professional speaker, and entrepreneur. He serves as the Vice President for External Affairs at Lipscomb University in Nashville, TN. He previously served as associate dean of the Lipscomb University College of Business where he founded Lipscomb’s School of Executive Education. He serves as an assistant professor of management and regularly teaches negotiation courses at the Straus Institute for Dispute Resolution at Pepperdine University School of Law.

He is a Founding Board Member of the Williamson County Chamber of Commerce and serves on the board of The Blakeford at Green Hills, a continuing care retirement community in Nashville, TN.

Dr. Lowry also serves as the president of the The Lowry Group (TLG). At TLG, he provides negotiation, mediation, and conflict management training and facilitation for major insurance companies, health care organizations, and other businesses. Throughout Lowry’s career, he has trained thousands of professionals around the country. Prior to moving to Nashville, he practiced law with Strasburger & Price, LLP in Dallas, Texas


Episode edited by the great J Scott Donnell