Julian Treasure is a sound and communication expert. His TED Talk, “How to speak so that people want to listen” is in the top 10 TED talks of all time and collectively, his 5 TED talks have been listened to more than 100 million times! He is also the best-selling author of How to be Heard and Sound Business.

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FORBES recently called WELCOME TO MANAGEMENT, “the best leadership book of 2020.”

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The Learning Leader Show

  • “I was taught this exercise many years ago by a wise old friend named Charlie. I was bemoaning someone being in my way and Charlie put his hand on my arm. “You know, resentment is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die,” he said. When we’re unconsciously in the habit of judging and blaming others, it can have a huge impact on our well-being.”
  • You can’t judge and love at the same time. Being judgemental is the opposite of being curious. “Being judgemental comes from ego and from darkness in the soul.”
  • Julian’s values: Write them down. Be clear. They help you make decisions…
    • Faith – A decision that all will be well
    • Love – Wish people well
    • Acceptance – Go with the flow
    • Gratitude – Be focused on the half-full bit of the glass
  • There are 4 foundations that we can stand on if we want our speech to be powerful and make change in the world
    • HAIL – To greet or acclaim enthusiastically
    • H – Honesty – Be clear and straight
    • A – Authenticity – Be yourself
    • I – Integrity – Do what you say. Be your word.
    • L – Love – Wish them well. “If you’re really wishing someone well, it’s hard to judge them at the same time.”
  • 7 deadly sins of speaking
    1. Gossip – Speaking ill of someone who isn’t present
    2. Judging
    3. Negativity
    4. Complaining
    5. Excuses – Some people have a blame thrower
    6. Embroidery/Exaggeration 
    7. Dogmatism – The confusion of facts with opinions. When someone bombards you with their opinions as if they are true.
  • Vocal Training
    • Breathing, posture, pitch, parsody, pace
    • Timbre is the textual
    • A deeper voice = more power (research suggests that a deeper voice = more power)
  • Listening is a skill. Hearing is a capability. Listening is making meaning from sound. You can practice it and master it. As leaders, we need to continue working on this skill to ensure the people we’re leading know they are heard and seen. We all can picture that bad boss that looked at their phone while we talked to them. Let’s not be that person.
  • Listening is making meaning from sound…
  • 5 Ways to be a better listener:
    • Be silent. Spend three minutes a day in silence. This “is a wonderful exercise to reset your ears and to recalibrate so that you can hear the quiet again.”
    • Hear. Listen to the individual sounds that contribute to the mix of sounds in a noisy place. Ask yourself “how many channels of sound can I hear? How many individual channels in that mix am I listening to? You can do it in a beautiful place as well, like in a lake. How many birds am I hearing? Where are they? Where are those ripples? It’s a great exercise for improving the quality of your listening.”
    • Savor. Find the joy in mundane sounds; they can be really interesting. For example, listen to the rhythm of the dryer or coffee grinder. He calls the mundane sounds “the hidden choir. It’s around us all the time.”
    • Adjust. Change “your listening position to what’s appropriate to what you’re listening to.” Be conscious of the filters (culture, language, values, beliefs, attitudes, expectations, and intentions) through which you are listening and make adjustments.
    • RASA. “Receive, which means pay attention to the person; Appreciate, making little noises like “hmm,” “oh,” and “okay”; Summarize, the word “so” is very important in communication; and Ask, ask questions afterward.”
  • “A meeting is a place where you take minutes and waste time.”
  • Advice:
    • Listen – Become a mentor gatherer. “Do not be afraid to find someone who can tell you you’re being an ass.”
    • Book – The Corporate Fool
    • Challenge yourself
    • Have faith — All will be well… Try lots of things.
  • Apply to be part of my Leadership Circle

More Learning:

Episode 078: Kat Cole – From Hooters Waitress To President of Cinnabon

Episode 216: Jim Collins — How To Go From Good To Great

Episode #300: AJ & Keith Hawk – How To Instill Work Ethic & Curiosity In Your Children

Episode #303General Stanley McChrystal – The New Definition Of Leadership