The Learning Leader Show With Ryan Hawk

Episode #294: Warren Berger – How To Ask More Beautiful Questions

  • Commonalities of sustaining excellence:
    • Intelligent… Smart
    • Hard-working
    • Ambitious
    • Humble — This is a really important quality.  No ego or arrogance.  They admit when they are wrong.  Willing to acknowledge when they’re wrong.  They are open to listening to others and their ideas.
    • Curiosity – They are not trapped by their own expertise.  They are open minded, curious, looking around.
    • Able to adapt
    • Communication skill — The willingness and ability to ask great questions
  • The genesis of becoming a questionoligist — Warrens calls himself a questionoligist.  The art and science of asking questions.
    • He originally was a journalist and developed a skill for asking questions doing that job.
    • “Questioning was a tool of the trade”
  • Warren was writing about design and the idea of questioning kept coming up with leaders in business.
    • “The ability to ask good questions would lead them thru the innovation cycle.”
  • The holy trinity of questioning:
    • Why?  Trying to understand
    • What if?  Ideation, brainstorming
    • How?  Get practical.  “How can we take the first step?”
  • Big open ended questions — They are the stems
    • Each one does something completely different
  • Questioning as a manager:
    • Find time to have the conversations and ask questions of your team members
    • Must be thoughtful and prepared
    • We’ve gotten out of the habit of being questioners, and now it’s always about doing.  “Slow down, ask questions.  Why are we pursuing this strategy? Understand why?”

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