The Learning Leader Show With Ryan Hawk
Episode #278: Mitch Albom – Tuesdays With Morrie & The Five People You Meet In Heaven
Show Notes:
- Commonalities of sustaining excellence:
- Humility
- They contribute to the world – “Morrie did the bravest thing I’ve ever seen.”
- Howard Schultz – The last person in line to get a book signed. After all of his employees
- “Some of the greatest performers I’ve ever met are painfully shy: jazz musicians, Barry Sanders, Joe Dumars.”
- Tuesdays With Morrie – “He was my college professor. I had not talked to him in 16 years. I saw him on TV talking about having ALS.”
- Morrie – “I’m a teacher. That’s what I do.”
- Why was it so popular and shared so much?
- “Death ends a life but not a relationship”
- “You can live within the hearts of people you help/touched.”
- “You have to make time for those relationships while you’re here.”
- “I write about living. Death informs everything about how we live.”
- “I try to write about reflecting on life.”
- Why this theme?
- “I liked listening to stories from my uncle growing up. His World War 2 stories.”
- “I spent so much of my youth myopically focused on career success. For many years I thought how far can I get?”
- “I wanted to explore what makes a better life?”
- Supporting 47 children in Haiti — Taking two to college now.
- “Giving makes me feel like I’m living.”
- “Taking makes me feel like I’m dying.”
- Being part of Sports Reporters on ESPN
- Writers are critical thinkers and can be good on TV when thinking deeply
- Core pieces of advice:
- Be humble
- Be curious – Ask questions
- Don’t lose self in the field you choose. Life can be brief.
- “Find out who you are and what you value, and do that.”
- Advice from a security guard:
- Read the best books
- Listen to the best music
- Observe the best art
- Surround self with the best people – Osmosis
- Immerse yourself with what you value
“I wanted to explore what makes a better life?”
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