Episode 137: Don Yaeger – How To Become A Master Storyteller
Don Yaeger is an award-winning keynote speaker, business leadership coach, an eight-time New York Times Best-selling author and longtime Associate Editor for Sports Illustrated. Don has fashioned a career as one of America’s most provocative thought leaders. As a speaker, he has worked with audiences as diverse as Fortune 500 companies and cancer survivor groups, where he shares his personal story.
He is primarily sought to discuss lessons on achieving Greatness, learned from first-hand experiences with some of the greatest sports legends in the world. Additionally, Don has been retained by companies and organizations to coach their leaders, management teams and employees on building a culture of greatness by looking at Great Teams in sports and discerning the business lessons we can learn from them.
Throughout his writing career, Don has developed a reputation as a world-class storyteller and has been invited as a guest to every major talk show – from Oprah to Nightline, from CNN to Good Morning America.
Episode 137: Don Yaeger – How To Become A Master Storyteller
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The Learning Leader Show
“The greatest in the world learn to hate losing more than they love winning.”
In This Episode, You Will Learn:
- Taking excuses off the table and understanding the value of who you associate with leads to sustained excellence
- Looking for imperceptible slights to fuel you – Michael Jordan’s method to motivate himself
- Listening, always being a student will lead to incredible relationships
- Understanding how to asks questions that lead people to open up
- Challenge yourself to be known by 5 words
- The process of becoming a professional speaker
- Understanding you have a personal brand and how to cultivate it
- The 16 things high performing teams do that others don’t
- Always having a development plan for the next leaders
- How to make meetings better – It starts with punctuality
- Learning Leader – John Wooden – Always reading, right up until the end of his life
- Playing quarterback and how it compares to other parts of life
“Every other month I flew to California to meet with John Wooden. EVERY time I walked in the room he was reading a book. He never stopped learning.”
Continue Learning:
- Go To: DonYaeger.com
- Follow David on Twitter: @DonYaeger
- Read: Great Teams: 16 Things High Performing Organizations Do Differently
- To Follow Me on Twitter: @RyanHawk12
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If you enjoyed hearing Don Yaeger on the show, please don’t hesitate to send me a note on Twitter or email me.
Episode edited by the great J Scott Donnell
Bio From DonYaeger.com
Don Yaeger is an award-winning keynote speaker, business leadership coach, an eight-time New York Times Best-selling author and longtime Associate Editor for Sports Illustrated. Don has fashioned a career as one of America’s most provocative thought leaders. As a speaker, he has worked with audiences as diverse as Fortune 500 companies and cancer survivor groups, where he shares his personal story.
He is primarily sought to discuss lessons on achieving Greatness, learned from first-hand experiences with some of the greatest sports legends in the world. Additionally, Don has been retained by companies and organizations to coach their leaders, management teams and employees on building a culture of greatness by looking at Great Teams in sports and discerning the business lessons we can learn from them.
Throughout his writing career, Don has developed a reputation as a world-class storyteller and has been invited as a guest to every major talk show – from Oprah to Nightline, from CNN to Good Morning America.
Always a good job right here. Keep rolling on thorguh.